Monday, September 19, 2005

A humble beginning...

Well I was till recently averse to the idea of writing blogs...I still feel that I dont need the cyberspace to vent my feelings. But oddly enough here Iam writing my first blog. .. I will start the blog with a very queer topic...Death...Today evening I was riding my bicylce and gazing at the stars while going through the almost empty Quad. The philosopher in me woke up and was becoming aware of the beautiful surroundings so full of life. What is life without death?, I thougth. Yes, what is the meaning to our lives if there is no death? Many people view the death as something opposite of life..but is it not true that the life is absence of death? so death is more fundamental... Yes I see I may be wrong here...there is something we don't quite understand about death that gives us the fear, which is born out of insecurity. We always try to control our lives, determine its course, struggle frantically at trivial things just to have a little more control over our lives. What is death but absence of any kind of communication? Its just that, death is a mystery because its a information blackhole: every bit of information can go in but we will never be able to say what it is like unless we die ourselves: but once dead we couldn't care less about the mortals on the other side who are afraid to cross the inevitible line. But if we learn to manage our fear, will we be able to conquer the death? And would a person who is not afraid of death not be afraid of anything else? I dont think the death is just about the fear there is something more to it, as Pascal once said,"man is equally incapable of seeing the nothingness he came from and the infinity in which he is engulfed" Sometimes it just strikes me how true his words are....What is the solution? or better still can there be a solution? but wait a minute..solution is to a problems not misconceptions or ignorance for which there is no easy way out except learning to discipline mind not to be distracted by the world, which in itself is tough..then there is this difficulty of overcoming our preconcieved notions, prejudices...which I can vouch for are harder to overcome than they actullay sound to be. At those horizons, knowledge meets the ignorance; unity meets diversity; and life meets death:Finally when the viel is off what do we see? thats for someother day!

(Originally posted on May 20, 2005)


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