Wednesday, December 21, 2005


It was a tiring day and I was lying on the bed trying to study a paper and was already half asleep. It was one of those states where you know you are dreaming but you are wakeful enough to 'drive' the dream the way you like!
Then I thought I dreamt of god. I could just hear the voice and don't remember whether the voice was that of a male or female.
I wanted to ask for many things like a kid let loose in a supermarket store. He ( I will just use 'he' I dont really know whether what god is like) told me to go ahead and speak my mind to him and ask him what I wanted.
I started off...
" I also want a successful life, a lot of fame, money, luxury and every comfort a man can dream of". He asked,"Thats nothing,ask for something big", he told.
"I want to have a good and happy life" ,I said. He replied, " Is that all? How do you make your life happy?"
I realised the things I was asking would not make me happy unless...
So I asked him, "God , give me courage to withstand troubles, strength to bear every difficulty with a smile, innocence to be able to laugh at myself as easily as I laugh at others, compassion to emphatize with others, honesty to have no regrets later, ability to convincingly tell a few white lies, act angry if it can prevent others from being hurt, hope to perservere, pragmatism to survive, dreams to work towards, faith in truth.
Bless me so that no one leaves my home hungry, I never break the trust of people believing in me, give my best to every one who asks me for help, share my happiness with the world and bury my sorrows deep in heart, stand like a rock in the face of my difficulties and gentle as flower in difficulties of others. "
God said, "whatever you asked for deserves to be given, but you are missing is tha the duality exists in every thing. Good and bad things are all relative. What you may see as courage may be seen by others as foolishness, innocence branded as insensitivity, what you call white lies may be seen as plain lying, hope looked down upon as madness, pragmatism may be called ruthlessness, compassion as being too soft, dreams, well...just day dreams "
I thought for a long time and said, "There are so many good and bad things and I dont know what to ask. OK then, give me the strength and courage to rise above good and bad, transcend the duality to see the unity that pervades everything and be free."
God said,"you now begin to have an idea. You were never bound to be freed by someone else. The water drop becomes the ocean the moment it merges in the ocean. When the forms dissolve into the formless you will be beyond the confusions and will have an understanding that trancends the knowledge. Thats what you are seeking. Realise that"
I was jolted out of sleep by the sound of alarm, it was already 6.45am and had to rush to the meeting with my advisor.


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