Thursday, July 06, 2006


Jignasu was sad and frustrated. The dream castles he built over years came crashing down in one stormy night. Only ruins were visible in the first light of day where he envisioned a beautiful world. Years of toil in scorching sun, unbearable pain of injuries all lay there in pieces just like his broken heart. With tear filled eyes he looked up and questioned, is that all?
Jnani coming back from the river looked at him, affectionately put an arm around his shoulder and took him to a nearby ant hill that was also destroyed by the storm. The ants were already building their nest with feverish pace. Lining up, they carried small pieces of soil and placed them around their nest in preparation for another storm. Each time they built a nest more stronger and better than the previous one.
Jnani said, "None can go back and make a new beginning. But anyone can start a new and make a happy ending! When you think it is impossible look into your heart. You shall never loose if you are true to yourself. "
Jignasu picked up the shovel as the flowers, withstanding the testing storm, smiled with the gentle breeze.


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