Monday, August 14, 2006

Innocence heard?

I settle down on a bench in the almost empty quad on a cloudy day sipping hot tea from the mug, enjoying the occasional rain drops on my hands and face. A dark blob of feathers moved beside me. I went near to have a closer look and waved a twig above it. I was expecting to see a flutter of wings with the bird trying to fly away.
General experience has taught me that other free living things have lost the trust in humans long time ago. You may see a crane sitting on a buffalo but never on a human being. You may even see a bird eating scraps in the open mouth of a crocodile (This IS true )but never a mouse running on a person.

The bird did something unusual. It opened its mouth as if the twig was some kind of a worm. I realized it was not an injured bird but a young bird that had fallen from its nest. Its wings were still not strong enough to carry its weight. It still had the innocence left in it to trust a human. I didnt know what it would eat, but realised it must have been hungry all night. I opened my bag and found some Indian snacks I was carrying to my office. Hesitatingly I fed the bird and to my relief it gulped it and opened its mouth again. I fed it a few times and left for the office to think of better alternatives to keep it alive. However, I was almost confident that its parents would come and pick the bird. But it had to be protected from the predators in the mean time.
On my way to office, I sense increasing frequency of rain drops. It meant sure death for the bird as it could die of cold with wet wings and would be a dessert for the wild cats that roam around. I looked up, and borrowing a little bit of innocence from the bird, prayed for the rain to stop. Few hours later, there was no rain and no trace of the bird. I searched the area twice and still couldn't find it.
I dont know what happened to the bird, but something tells me that my prayers were answered.


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