Monday, August 07, 2006


He was a juggler par excellence. He had won many championships and was considered a prodigy. Someone fished out a packet of white powdery substance during one of the many celebrations held in his honour. They said it would give an exalted feeling and he should just try it. He hesitantly took a snuff at the stuff and it felt good. He had a feeling of a feather floating carelessly in spring breeze. Members of the party wanted to see his tricks. He hesitated for a bit, then thought...he was the best juggler, how could years of practice be lost with one whiff of that stuff? Sure enough, he performed one his most difficult tricks juggling a dozen glass globes while holding a candle on a spoon with his teeth and silenced lone friend who tried to warn him. Everyone except his friend clapped...and this did not escape the jugglers eye. That evening someone had taken a photograph of him juggling and everyone present at the party signed...except his friend who scribbeled on the back of the photograph...It all begins with the first step. Juggler held a grudge against the friend for spoiling such a beautiful photograph.

He almost forgot about the incident...a year later during another party, someone held a white powdery stuff. Someone said," It is not that you are addicted or anything like that.Its just once in a while. And you didnt even lose control the last time you had this. My God, what a performance it was..juggling so many globes" He held his hand out and had one more snuff for the second time in his life.

The time flew and slowly the frequency of the parties where he had the stuff increased. He never admitted he could be affected by the stuff yet, he longed for it. When he was thrown out of his job for non performance he blamed his manager. One fateful day, police raided his house, searched his house. One of the young cops accidentally pushed an old album as he clumsily searched on top of the old bookcase. An old dust covered photograph fell down...The scribbled letters were clearly visible even thought the photgraph was old. They read. It all begins with the first step.
[Authors Note: An old chinese story that was the inspiration for this would end here. But eternal optimist Iam, my story continues]

A few months later, as he walked free from the rehab centre, he took out the photograph that he cherished and went confidently to meet his long forgotten friend
who said, It all begins with the first step.


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