Sunday, December 10, 2006

Life... whats in it?

Whether it was the kiss that the 96 year old lady gave me or it was the the feeling of hugging my grandmother in a distant continent I don't know. I could see 3 year old great grand children, 30 year old grandchildren, and her boys (all well over 60 now) talking with her and wondered about life as I left the room walking up and down the corridor. There were many people living last chapters of their life. People who were once proud, strong and probably arrogant of their strength and wealth too, now sitting in wheelchairs with drooping shoulders. With the distant gaze in their deep eyes, they seemed to care about nothing around them. Not the expensive paintings on the wall (Ironically there were paintings of a child,young woman, young man and few a christmas celebrations) or the double doors that kept them confined to the 'facility'. There was someone in the next room playing a soft melody and asking everyone to sing. After a few minutes, they were asked to take deep breaths, raise their arms and rub their shoulders; most likely to keep their frail bodies in good shape for some more time. Most of them would just fade away like stars at dawn but there was an eerie feeling in me, as I could sense the impending death with every tick of the clock. The same clock that ticked in me and was rushing me towards an uncertain death. I guess, every one of us (at least I do) wishes for a painless death, though we would never know if there is any such thing as a painless death. If the wish were not granted and I were to be confined to a chair and made to wait for my death some 50 years down the line, what would my distant gazing eyes look at? Will it be about a past that I would regret? Will it bring tears of remorse? Will it make me yearn for another chance to rewrite a past? or will it bring a smile of a life well lived to the best of my abilities? Just the thought of living in the twilight years of life gave new ideas to write the dairy of life. The yellowed pages of the dairies that would bring a contended smile when read from a great distance in time.


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